American Sustainable Business Council

I’ll add links to this post later but wanted to share this important info for any one who happens by…  In the meantime, number-crunching calls, so all I can say is, “GOOGLE anything that catches your eye!” (Oh, and pardon the run-ons!)

Check out the organizations above, all sharing a common mission to support enlightened business models that take the best of capitalism and put it to work in service to a mission that takes into account impact on fellow man and the environment within their overall mission. Reminds me of my necklace, "The Purpose of Life is a Life of Purpose." That purpose can be providing jobs, meeting needs, even the need for fun and whimsy, so long as decisions are made that consider the impact on all stakeholders. My guess is that people who conduct business with sincerity, integrity, honesty and a values-driven purpose are happier for it!


I got an email in my inbox from Anne Wunderli, Pine Street Inn, yesterday, that I am eager to share. Anne embodies Ghandi’s “Be The Change” mantra and is doing wonderful work at the Pine Street Inn with regard to the social enterprise she runs there, Abundant Table. In addition, Anne works at the national level as a board member on the Social Enterprise Alliance and, here in Massachusetts, as a founder of our networking group that strives to increase awareness about social enterprise. I am honored to know her and thrilled that Time Well Spent has brought people like Anne into my life.

Here’s an excerpt from the letter followed by a link to read this exciting call to action yourself:

SEA is participating in an exciting new collaboration of mission-driven business executives organized to give voice to our shared priorities. Our coalition will be providing a letter to key contacts in the Obama Administration, starting with The Office of Public Liaison/Dept. of Energy, Environment and Natural Resources; The Office of Social Innovation and Civic Engagement; and The Council on Environmental Quality. This letter is an initial document advocating for policies to accelerate the transition to a more equitable and sustainable economy, through innovations such as social enterprise.

 We’re seeking to raise awareness within the Administration of the vibrant social enterprise field, and welcome your engagement in this process. We would like to get as many signatures as possible from the field before submitting the letter to the Administration.

If you would like to sign this letter, please do so by clicking this link

and sign on by Monday, March 30th.  (Limit one signer per company or organization)

 Note that while the letter touches on a number of key issues, this letter will be part of an ongoing series of communications and dialogues with the Obama Administration on additional issues and recommendations. Plans are also underway to collect survey data on the key priorities of mission-driven business leaders and social entrepreneurs, facilitate discussions at conferences, and establish ongoing dialogues with other members of the Administration.



Please, show your support for social enterprise by reading the letter .  If you fit the following description, please consider adding your signature (last check it was at 299 signatures):

The undersigned individuals are the chief executives of mission-driven businesses, social enterprises, and sustainable business networks representing hundreds of thousands of employees, members and leaders, and hundreds of billions in economic activity.

Look for me ~ I’m #98 on the list. Anne’s Lucky #7 !

Thank you for supporting social enterprise and a sustainable and equitable economy based on conscious capitalism.

Carpe Diem! N.


One response to “American Sustainable Business Council

  1. Hi Nancy, that’s so nice of you to say! I’m delighted our work together has been so fruitful. I’m looking forward to the next update on TWS.

    Take care,

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