ON HIATUS ~ I’m Taking Some Time Well Spent on Self-Care (and Family Priorities)

Hiatus ~ A gap or interruption in space, time, or continuity; a break:

Since the vision for Time Well Spent first came to me in its entirety, I’ve given a great deal of myself to my concept for a wonderful new center for inspired and sustainable change (here’s a link to a 2page pdf of the concept: Time Well Spent Overview JAN 2011). At this time, personal and family obligations prevent me from working on Time Well Spent initiatives with any continuity. No worries! The concept is strong and solid ~ one that will ultimately fulfill unmet needs in a model that is sustainable and replicable (all keys to expediting positive change through socially-conscious business models, aka social enterprise).

I believe in my concept on every level, from a business perspective, and most importantly, as a catalyst for ~ and facilitator of ~ a better quality way of life for all stakeholders…for literally everyone it touches and our planet.  My business plan is 80% complete and it will keep, though impatiently, on the virtual shelf of my Word document files. Acknowledging the need for a hiatus now is difficult but necessary to the ultimate fulfillment of the vision. I guess it could be said that a hiatus is, practically speaking, Time Well Spent

Time Well Spent ~ Walking the Walk and Talking the Talk

Time Well Spent…the irony of the choice of this name for my social enterprise is not lost on me! In fact, I think it’s pretty much perfect! “Time Well Spent” is more than a name, it’s become a reminder, a warning, a lesson, a mantra…

Personally, I’m one who has thrown myself into everything I do, from running a disabilities awareness program to spearheading a grassroots community campaign for improved public safety (click here if you want to see my pre-TWS resume). The reality is that my biggest challenge is in finding balance. In fact, aside from the not-so-positive impact on my family (I won’t win any prizes for a clean house or a well-fed family, and don’t get me started on our debt from raising three kids on my hard-working husband’s single salary), the greatest consequence has been a personal health struggle as a direct result of my inability to care for myself, to find that balance, even while serving others, the community, those less fortunate.

While my story has been a decade-plus in the making, over the past year, I’ve come to a realization…a bit of an epiphany (at the risk of sounding dramatic)… Remember the story of the pebble, the rock and the brick… The truth is that it took the proverbial brick of health problems of my own and 4 hospitalizations of my parents to realize that I am NOT superwoman, I cannot do it all (yesterday). Time Well Spent will not be successful if I try to move forward with the concept now. Quite simply (actually it’s rather involved), I don’t have the physical strength right now because of a diagnosed adrenal fatigue complicated by a history of Lyme disease and all that impacts (the topic for a “whole ‘nother” blog!). As much as I want to help others, I need to take on a case closer to home ~ ME & my family!

Considering the value I put in being authentic and transparent, important to my social entrepreneurial spirit and my sense of being true to myself and others, I’m just not willing or able to sing the praises of my concept of a social purpose business called Time Well Spent while my own life and health suffer. That’s certainly not what it’s all about!

The reality is that I am a great example of those whom I wish to connect with via Time Well Spent. My mission, after all, is to (in short) help people help others and our planet in a way that is empowering and realistic. Rather than add to the burden or sense of guilt that many women (and men) feel about how much they wish they could help, how much they want to change their ways (consumer-wise and other-wise), how helpless they feel to actually making a difference….People like myself need a place to turn to for education, inspiration and empowerment while learning to understand how to practice self-care so they have more of themselves to give. So, starting with me, and hoping to share so that others may learn from my example and take heart in my story… I’m going to regroup, work on a personal health plan, tend to the needs of my family, in general, with a special advocacy role on behalf of my “older” and much beloved parents (don’t call them elderly, bless their 86 year old hearts!).

Patience V. Impatience

Patience IS a noble virtue. Still, as a social entrepreneur, I’m impatient to expedite positive change both socially and environmentally. I’m equally eager to mainstream the belief in, and support of, positive change that is propelled forward by the power and participation of a more conscious American consumer.  That being said, true success will depend on the successful creation of a lasting and growing Time Well Spent.  So, while moving forward sooner rather than later would appear to help those in need and support our environment, the truth is that the ultimate success of the concept, and the ability to help the most people and affect the most powerful change, will increase as a result of this relatively short hiatus I am taking, this “interruption in space, time and continuity.”  So, the fulfillment of my dream will ultimately rely on my patience to let the idea be as I tend to pressing matters at home, trusting in the universe, as those wiser than I point out, and believing that Time Well Spent will become a reality when the time is right, personally and in terms of the social landscape and the readiness for just the kind of information and support Time Well Spent will provide.

Lessons Learned ~ The Tip of the Iceberg

Already I’ve learned so much more than I could have ever imagined. My appetite for learning and my passion for social innovation and positive change have made the last few years a time of incredible intellectual and even spiritual personal growth for me… Slowing down is going to be a challenge! Using all kinds of restraint, here’s just a list of the things that I have learned about, love to talk about, and ultimately will blog about and share:

Social Enterprise

Social Justice

Social Innovation

Fair Trade



Conscious Capitalism

Impact Investing




Collaborative Consumption

The List Goes ON…

In the end (or should I say the beginning of this journey), all that I’ve learned has convinced me that the need for a place like Time Well Spent is very real. The potential to expedite positive change ~ helping people improve the quality of their own lives, the lives of those less fortunate and the environment ~ is great indeed.

So, while I will continue to follow the leadership of those in social enterprise and conscious capitalism and triple-bottom-line business models, I will be taking a (relatively) short time to make sure that my personal life is in order, from my own health and wellbeing to the duties which I am entrusted as mother and daughter…

Until next time, Carpe Diem!

~ Nancy/Time Well Spent

3 responses to “ON HIATUS ~ I’m Taking Some Time Well Spent on Self-Care (and Family Priorities)

  1. The experience you have discussed here are really very interesting and I liked the blog and yes patience is the most important factor while giving care to anyone or ourselves.
    Home care

  2. Thanks so much for the kind words of encouragement, Jamie! Indeed, I did do the hit the wall thing (a few times) over the last decade. I find great consolation in knowing that I managed to help a great number of people along the way. Now, in order to help more people ultimately, I need to work on some self-care. Just being able to share that important lesson also contributes to this time having been well spent. Best to you in your continued work and let’s be sure to keep track of one another on fb and twitter.

    Thanks again for taking the time to leave your comment. : )


  3. Suddenly Jamie (@suddenlyjamie)

    Although I am sure it is difficult for you to step away from your mission, I applaud your decision to put things on hold while you attend to that which is most important – your health. Too often, we just keep on truckin’ (women in particular) until we hit the wall … figuratively or literally. I’m glad to know that you will be taking a wiser, gentler course on the way to fulfilling your dream.

    I look forward to what the future holds in store for you and for Time Well Spent and I wish you good and speedy healing.

    Stay strong. Stay inspired. Stay true.


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