Help Spread the Word!

Spreading the word about a new business is so critical to its success and something that can’t be done by one person alone.  By helping to “spread the word,” you will be letting your friends and family, and in some cases, your customers, know that you believe in my mission. In-so-doing, you will be helping me to achieve that mission, for which I would be sincerely grateful! See how easy it is to make a difference!



There are a variety of ways, requiring various levels of commitment, to get involved NOW, at this critical time, during the Pre-Launch Phase of Time Well Spent.


1. Host a Coffee/Tea or a Wine & Cheese Intro Event ~ Plan a simple get-together for an hour (or two, if you account for gabbing) chosen at your convenience to allow me the opportunity to share the highlights of the new business concept with you and your friends… Seeing folks in person is part of why we have legs to walk, mouths to talk, and cars to drive in or bikes to pedal! Otherwise, we could just sit at the computer all day and never see a soul… Get in touch with me (email/comment/call) for more details (no pressure) or to schedule a date for your intro event. I won’t be asking for anyone to do anything more than considering signing up for my free e-newsletter.

I’ll even give the host or hostess 25 Clutter Credits for each guest who attends and signs up for my e-newsletter – rather painless!  You’ll be able to catch up with friends and share the worthwhile news of my business concept and the opportunities that exist to get involved – How’s that for Time Well Spent?

2. Forward the E-Newsletter when you receive it ~ Thanks to all who are willing to take a few minutes to forward the most recent e-newsletter to folks who might be interested (or should be, but may not know it!). This would include artsy-crafty types, earthy-crunchy folks, teachers, sole-business owners, charity-driven contacts, career-changers, empty-nesters, angel investors, pretty much everyone who is interested in an opportunity to do good while getting their lives in order, both literally and figuratively.

Alternatively, you could send your own email and suggest folks visit this temporary weblog where they may choose to sign up for the e-newsletter.



3. Flyer Distribution or Email Sign-Up Sheet ~ Let me know if you are willing to post or distribute a flyer about Time Well Spent or an e-newsletter sign-up sheet at your place of business… I can accommodate any size and color restrictions you require. Supporting a new business that supports the community is a win-win-win!


4. Post my link on your website or in your emails ~ Post the link to this temporary weblog (affectionately called Sharing My Castle in the Clouds) by copying the following, (aka my URL), and pasting it into your site: 


FYI, a real Time Well Spent website and logo are in the works! (Which reminds me, check out my Wish List for skilled professionals needed!)


+Other Opportunities Abound ~ For those of you interested in doing some community service by helping me to get my mission-driven business off the ground, there’s always plenty to do. For example, I sure could use help tracking down and gathering the clutter that will make up the crafting material at Time Well Spent.  These clutter-collecting ways to get involved were highlighted in the last e-update. There are other professional services that would be helpful which are posted on the Wish List page.  Curious? Thinking about helping out? Give it a try to see what you think. Check out my business wish list page and/or the archived June Temporary Location Announcement for more info…


Thinking of another way you can help?

I’m all ears… Just let me know!



One response to “Help Spread the Word!

  1. I posted the link on as well as my own Blog. I’d host a tea but am on the south shore, not exactly your target region.

    I’m so excited that you are doing this (and jealous!).

    I, too, have notebooks with plans for my own 1040c3 that I hope to get going once Oscar is on his own. In the meantime I’ll live vicariously through you!

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