Attending the North Shore Women in Business Annual Business Showcase

No time to go into the details, but I wanted to mention that I’ll be at this event at the Danversport Yacht Club Thursday, 11/13, from 4 to 8. It’s open to the public, free admission… My friend (and TWS cheerleader) Ginny Maglio is heading up the showcase and I just know it’s going to be great. There will be mini workshops, food, and a cash bar! Participants will have tables selling their wares or sharing information about their service. Almost forgot…there will be a gift-wrapping station, too! Whether you want to start your holiday shopping, are looking for some business opportunities or just want to see what the local business women are up to, it may just be time well spent for you, too!

Personally, I’m looking forward to the opportunity for networking and finding other do-gooders, something I expect will be pretty easy to do. Why am I so positive? I just really believe it is in our nature to be helpful and kind once we’ve opened our eyes to the possibilities and the emotional payback that comes from giving. It really is better to give than to receive! What goes around comes around… Insert your own overused but true saying here…because I have to get my display boards ready! Hope to see some familiar faces there!

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